PLANES N MORE v1.1 by Charles Gunst Five new flyable aircraft for European Air War (the Me-410, Ju-88C, Ju-87B Stuka, B26B Marauder and Mosquito VI), plus some other changes. Simply unzip the contents of EAW4NEW.ZIP to your EAW directory (typically C:/PROGRAM FILES/MICROPROSE SOFTWARE /EUROPEAN AIR WAR). This text file records the various changes made to EAW by the files in pnm11.exe The Me-410A Hornisse is now flyable. It is the A-2 Zerstorer model, with 2x7.9mm MG (900 rounds per gun) and 4x20mm cannon (180 rpg) in the nose plus 2x13mm rear barbette MGs (300 rpg). It appears and can be flown in the 1944 German campaign, in I/JG 11 and (as a mid-campaign replacement) in I/NJG 1. The Ju-88C is now flyable. It is armed with 3x7.9mm MG (1000 rpg) and 3x20mm cannon (200 rpg) in the nose, plus 3xrear flex MGs. It appears and can be flown in the 1943 and 1944 German campaigns, in I/NJG 1. The Ju-87 B Stuka is now flyable. It is armed with 2x7.9mm MGs (1000 rpg) in the wings, and 1 in the rear cockpit, and can carry 2x100 kg or 1x500 kg of bombs. It appears and can be flown in the 1940 German campaign, in the elite III/StG 2 "Immelmann". The Bf-110G is now the G-4 Zerstorer model that I think Microprose intended, with the standard 4x7.92mm MG (1000 rpg)and 2x20mm cannon (325 rpg)in the nose, plus an extra 2x30mm cannon (135 rpg)in a ventral tray, and the 2x7.9mm rear flex MGs (800 rpg). I have also added two wing-mounted 20mm cannon (80 rpg) to the Bf-109G, with which the G-6 model was commonly fitted. The Mosquito is now flyable. It is the formidable Mark VI fighter-bomber version, with 4x0.303 cal MG (1000 rpg) and 4x20mm cannon (200 rpg) in the nose. It can carry 1000 lb of bombs, and rockets. The "Wooden Wonder" appears and can be flown in the 1944 British campaign, in No.140 Anzac Wing. The B26 B Marauder is now flyable. It has 5x0.50 cal MGs (900 rpg) firing forward (1 in the nose and 4 on the fuselage sides), plus 5 other 0.50 cals in dorsal, tail and ventral positions, and can carry up to 3,000 lbs of bombs. The Marauder appears and can be flown in the 1943 and 1944 U.S. campaigns, in the 323rd Bombardment Group. Be aware that taking off in a heavily-loaded bomber like the "Widow-Maker"is not easy - you will need high speed (180-200 mph), and flaps at the last moment, but it can be done. There are some other small changes that have been made. The ordnance loads of the P-38H and P-38J have been changed, so that they can be fitted with 4.5" bazooka rockets as well as bombs, as they were. Bomber guns generally have been slightly reduced in effectiveness, to accord more with reality (not nearly as many fighters were shot down by bomber defensive gunfire as Microprose suggests). There are also a number of small changes to some of the text-string files, including the provision of the nicknames of the Luftwaffe units, and the nationalities of some of the British ones. The files in pnm11.exe will make no changes to your EAW files. To undo this patch, simply go to the control panel and pick the apropriate entry on the software add/remove list! Here's a list of all files that come with "Planes N More v1.1" pnm11.TXT (this file) 109G.FLT AMRLNAME.STR BRTLNAME.STR GERLNAME.STR HNGR08.MPC HNGR15.MPC HNGR21.MPC HNGR26.MPC HNGR27.MPC LOADOUT.DAT M410.FLT MOSQ.FLT P081VIEW.CPT P151VIEW.CPT P211VIEW.CPT P261VIEW.CPT P271VIEW.CPT PB26AV.3DZ PB26AW.3DZ PB26AX.3DZ PB26AY.3DZ PJ88CV.3DZ PJ88CW.3DZ PJ88CX.3DZ PJ88CY.3DZ PJU87U.3DZ PJU87V.3DZ PJU87W.3DZ PJU87X.3DZ PM410V.3DZ PM410W.3DZ PM410X.3DZ PM410Y.3DZ PMOSQU.3DZ PMOSQV.3DZ PMOSQW.3DZ PMOSQX.3DZ PNAMES.STR PLANES.DAT SQDESCGR.STR SQDESCUK.STR SQDESCUS.STR SQGR40.DAT SQGR43.DAT SQGR44.DAT SQUK44.DAT SQUS43.DAT SQUS44.DAT SQNAMEGR.STR SQNAMEUK.STR SQNAMEUS.STR TARTYPES.STR WEAPONS.DAT A FEW NOTES 1. The new aircraft can only be flown in a Campaign, not on Single Missions, at the moment. If I can work out how to change the selection screen for Single Missions to fix this, I will post an update. 2. The Ju-87B Stuka has no dive brakes, and thinks that it has retractable wheels (you must "lower" the wheels to land) but otherwise it works fine. 3. When flying the Ju-87B Stuka or the B-26B Marauder you will occasionally be given a "Fighter Sweep" or "Escort" mission. Try to fulfil that mission if you feel like it (Do you feel lucky, punk?), but otherwise consider it as an "Intruder Mission", and feel free to select and attack a target of opportunity. When given one of these missions, you will have a light load of bombs (2x500 lb bombs for the B26B, and 2x100 kb bombs for the Ju-87B). 4. You have to be Group Captain, Colonel or Oberst to select the heavier bomb and rocket options (i.e. 6x500 lb bombs for the B26, 1x500 kg bomb for the Ju-87B, and 4x250 lb bombs plus 6x60 lb rockets for the Mosquito) for the new aircraft on bombing missions. 5. The rocket selections do not show up on the Arming Board picture of the P38 or Mosquito for some reason (the pictures must be coded somewhere else), but if you select them they will be there when you take off. 6. The cockpits in the new aircraft are only useable at 640x480. At any higher resolution you will have excellent all-round vision (i.e. no cockpit, just sky). 6. There are no bomb-sights, so (even in the B26) the best shot is to bomb low, from a shallow dive. There is a useful delayed sequence bomb-pattern for the Ju-88C, the B26B and the Mosquito, which will help you straddle the target. 7. The engine sound is sometimes absent when taking off in the new twin-engined aircraft (the engines are going, but all you hear is a subtle rushing of air), although the engine sound returns after using ALT N to fly to the first waypoint. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This patch is the result of a lot of hard work, which has built on the detective work of others.I have never met, but especially want to thank: Steve White for the great EAW Online. Paulo Morais, for his essential CDF extractor and other utilities. Jim Tittle for his original work on the EAW flight models and changing aircraft in campaigns, which got me thinking. Erwin von Helton for his flyable Ju-87 Stuka, which showed what can be done with EAW. MeatWater for the installer. WARNING MICROPROSE DOES NOT OFFICIALLY SUPPORT THE HEX EDITING OF ITS SOFTWARE. IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE WITH EAW USING THIS PATCH, DO NOT CONTACT MICROPROSE. DELETE ALL FILES WHICH CAME WITH THIS PATCH AND SEE IF THE PROBLEM IS STILL THERE. CONTACT MICROPROSE IF IT IS. IF THE PROBLEM IS ONLY THERE WHEN YOU ARE USING THIS PATCH, PLEASE CONTACT ME. VERSION HISTORY PnM 1.0 10 March 1999 Initial release version. PnM 1.1 15 March 1999 Added virtual cockpits for the 5 new machines. The files in EAW5NEW.ZIP are freeware and can be freely distributed. I hope you enjoy them. Any comments, suggestions or complaints, let me know. Charles Gunst Email: or Compuserve: 100240,2204